A few months ago we started talking about starting a family and today we are happy to announce that Baby Smith #1 (aka Doctor President) is due in June.
I have a great doctor who I have been seeing for my regular check ups for the past six years. She is experienced, patient, down-to-earth, a three-time mother herself, and willing to answer all of my (multitudes of) questions. We feel very fortunate to have her. She exclusively delivers at Woman’s Hospital of Texas (aka Texas Woman’s) which is part of why I chose her. It’s a well respected hospital known for its focus on the mother and, even though I’m probably a little biased since I was born there, I’m really happy to know that’s where I will meet my first baby.
We had our first check up October 19 and learned that my math coincided with Baby’s development and I was just over 6 weeks. This is what we saw:
that little V shape in the middle of the black is the embryo measuring .72cm. We saw the heartbeat and got really excited.
The doctor wanted to see me again in a couple of weeks to see how things were developing, so on November 5 we went in for our second check up. This is what we saw:
The oval shape in the middle of the black is Baby measuring 2.38cm only two and a half weeks later. No wonder I was so tired!
Baby is still on track with the math, so that is a positive sign and we go back for another check up December 6.